Tuesday, August 20, 2019

LUNAR SHADOW - The Smokeless Fires review

LUNAR SHADOW - The Smokeless Fires

Cruz del Sur Music

Over the past decade I've gotten to the point where I don't care to dis on bands. On the other hand I have no problem dissing people who push over hyped horseshit. Case in point here we have Germany's LUNAR SHADOW who I never heard of till today. I must have a life because according to some promo info, as well as quotes from other music scribes, they've been the "IT" band since their debut, Far from Light, came out a few years back. Obviously I must have been picking my nose at the time in order to have this second coming over looked. 

Give me a fuckin break! OK so this is supposed to be classic metal meets Scandinavian black metal. Excuse me but a few tremolo picked riffs during two songs does not make this DISSECTION influenced. What we have here is simply, and symphonic at times, Euro power metal. They're from Germany OK. Somebody call BLIND GUARDIAN and tell em there's some upstarts biting at their heels as well as their Nuclear Blast record contract. 

A few times these guys are interesting like when they're stealing from MAIDEN on songs like "Laurelindorenan" or the even more epic "Hawk of the Hills". The bottom line here is they're following a power metal formula of MAIDEN-esque dual guitar harmonies as well as song structures minus the Steve Harris bass. Add to that a vocalist with a decent yet commercial sounding falsetto. Worse yet is their piano interplay which makes me cringe. Look it's power metal, nothing wrong with that if you're a fan of the genre OK? Get A Life!




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