Sunday, August 25, 2019

SLOMATICS - Canyons review

SLOMATICS - Canyons 

Black Bow Records

Regular readers of SFM666, and frankly who isn't, will know that I always say nice things about the SLOMATICS. OK fine I have my bias opinions based on heritage as well as they're amazing sound. But getting back to the heritage part, I'm Dutch on my Father's side and I'm Irish and German on my sainted Mother's side. And yes she was a saint until she had a few whiskey shots. Then she turned into a belt swinging harpie. But anyways I'm a big mean Dutchman who drinks like an Irishman and barks orders like a fuckin German. Yeah I have no problems in life.

But anyways here we have the latest full length by Ireland's premiere sludgey yet more so doom act. I've always considered them to be an Irish version of YOB. And if ever, as appears on this full length. they've followed the same progressive moments. I'm gonna sit back and think about this one. The SLOMATICS are a good doom band to play late at night. For me it's perfect since I don't get home from work till around 2:30 AM. Yeah if you live nearby and hear loud music being blasted in the early morning hours, that's me and no I refuse to wear headphones. 

So on this release, which is this trio's sixth full length, yes they've taken some progressive steps. But since becoming a fan of theirs I've gone through their back catalog (the buying process will commence soon enough) and learned after playing one area of doom laden-ed madness they move onto another. Yeah this does remind me a lot of modern day YOB whom I don't care for at all. Yet the SLOMATICS still hold true to their patented down tuned delivery that you know they're not selling you some trendy bullshit.

Canyons has been my go to music over the past week as an after work relaxation. There's a psych vibe here but not in that cliche overdone style. Vocals are that shouted from the other room style. The music crushes but in a relaxing way. Put this on, break out the beer or whatever you're into that's not speed and enjoy. I wanna shake these guy's hands for creating some doomy sludge metal that has a relaxed vibe and yet is still heavy as fuck. Sometimes you need a softer touch when you're in that mood which doesn't require a crush, kill, destroy explosive sound.

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