Saturday, February 8, 2020

ANGEROT - The Divine Apostate review

ANGEROT - The Divine Apostate

Redefining Darkness Records

It ain't over till the fat lady sings and on here she sings quite a lot. I figured OK on one song it was interesting but then it continued onward throughout this album. My queries, who's fuckin her? Then again it might be keyboard effects. Ladies & Gentlemen, and you opera lovers here's the best modern Swedish Death Metal act that's actually from Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

ANGEROT come across sound wise as a far better version of GRAVE's and VOMITORY's last good albums from a few years back. Ah yeah for me to state that means a lot. We're talking a blood spitting, throaty and punishing growl vocal. Which is laden-ed with that Swedish buzzsaw guitar sound. Add to that those dive bomber solos. The rhythm section kills like a savage beast.

This is the second album by ANGEROT and it's a great fuckin release. What's really cool is how they're not re-doing the whole 1988-91 revival sound. Nothing against that because I do like plenty of those bands. But what this band is doing carries on with punishing death metal aesthetics circa 1990's with foreboding atmosphere which latch onto you like meat hooks.

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