Saturday, February 8, 2020

ENEMY AWAKE - The Enemy review

ENEMY AWAKE  - The Enemy


So this one here falls under the category of it's OK, it has some faults but it's interesting enough to write about. ENEMY AWAKE is a two piece death metal act from Sweden. The two people involved are multi-instrumentalist Ivan Castro and vocalist Melin Torne. 

First off I'm always glad to see women involved in the more extreme genres of metal. I say that not because I'm some pussy whipped feminist liberal dude who's looking to get laid. The fact is that I like variety and metal has become an equal opportunity area of music of late. So when a woman comes along with talent and the vocal chops then I'm into it. But in all honesty I am a male lesbian. Hey I like women.

Be that as it may Melin Torne's vocals remind me of Angela Gossow when she first started with ARCH ENEMY. Of course that's when she's singing in a bestial harsh voice along with kicking in some witch vocal screams. Then again on the album's third cut, "Melody of Death", Torne turns to beautiful clean vocal style. 

As far as the music goes it's a mixed bag. They're at times pushing the latter day DISMEMBER crunch. Then things slow down to a melodic sound reminiscent of ARCH ENEMY. There's even some traditional metal sounds and dare I say thrashy bits perminating through out. With all of that said I like the chunky riffs of "Smashing Your Face". Torne adds some great concert style harsh screams as a chorus.

The previously mentioned "Melody of Death" with it's mix of clean sounding vocals mixed with the harsh gruff style is a melodic rocker. "Expose of a Psychopath" is a pretty decent melo-deth number. "Dreamer" is surprisingly bluesy with Castro finally breaking out with some guitar theatrics. And of course "Behold the Fallen Light" is heavy as fuck. So out of the nine cuts on this their debut full length there's some cool stuff.

The low points here are far starters the programmed drums. They're adequate but a human behind a drum kit could add so much more. Secondly production wise this sounds like a demo with very little if any real bass. Also since Torne is the high point then she's being held back in the mix somewhat. So even with that all said I think if ENEMY AWAKE became a real band, instead of a two piece studio project, then they could fill the void left behind after certain acts went bogus.

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