Sunday, February 23, 2020

BURNING SHADOWS - Beneath the Ruins EP review

BURNING SHADOWS - Beneath the Ruins EP

Rafchild Records

It's good to see and hear that this band from Maryland is still keeping it true. I first learned about BURNING SHADOWS not long ago via their third full length, Truth in Legend. I thought that was a pretty amazing release. And if you're into US bands performing European style power metal then get off your ass and go search out that release. 

Since that last full length of theirs was self released it's also good to see that this new one is on a label. Not surprisingly it's a German label that deals in power metal and other similar genres. Frankly I figured Shadow Kingdom or Heaven and Hell records would've been a good fit as well. Either way it's a new EP from a very cool band. 

Obviously the stand out from BURNING SHADOWS in my not so humble opinion is their vocalist Tom Davy. Once again it's real guy vocals in which he emotes powerful strengths or dangerous spoken threats. Musically you've got the trio of melo-deth riffs and song structures. Add to that the galloping MAIDEN riffs which carry the melodic style. And a slight bite of the CIRITH UNGOL apple throughout as in wild vocals and cool as fuck rhythms with melodic lead work. 

There's five originals and two live tracks "The Last One to Fall" from their last album and "Oathbreaker" from their self titled EP. All great stuff for all of you power metal or true metal fans out there.

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