Friday, February 21, 2020

CIANIDE - Unhumanized EP review

CIANIDE - Unhumanized EP

Hells Headbangers Records

It's always cool to have an old friend pop in and say hello once in a while. That's the way I look at this new release (well it came out in Dec 2019) from the US gods of death and doom. CIANIDE are back after a few years of quiet refrain. With the exception of a live album and a split 7"er with NEKROFILTH in 2017 (the cover a COCKNOOSE song on that one). This is the only thing they've come with since 2011's aptly titled Gods of Death.

So while I was listening to these five cuts a thought occurred to me. Even though it's been eight years since their last full length. It's not that this sound and style of playing has been missing. Over the past few years there's been a plethora of bands (mostly from the states) who've copied CIANIDE's style. But then that's just the way it's going in death metal for the past twenty years.

After everyone got tired of melo-deth and the headache inducing technical stuff. The new kids went back to the original stuff and haven't stopped. I never had a problem with that but it's always cool when the original writers of the brutal mayhem manuscripts come back to show everyone how it's done. And these five cuts prove that there are times when the masters of a craft still have some talent and tricks up their sleeves which they didn't reveal to their apprentices.

What I love about this release is how these Chicago greats don't dwell on any particular moment in their career as far as the songs go. Among these five cuts you get reminders of their early crush kill and crush you again style. Plus there's that locomotive chug and stomp sound which came about later on. The dark cavernous vocals remain in tact. The riffs are just as dark and covered with fuzzy slime. The leads are so subtle like scum dripping down a cave wall.

I'll call this one perfect. Oh and yeah I'm a long time fan so include some bias. The sad thing is that this came out late last year otherwise I'd consider this one of the best releases of 2019. Still I highly recommend you get over to the Hells Headbangers website and pick this fucker up. Afterwards blast it till your dwelling shakes. Also don't forget that the Divide and Conquer reissue is coming soon. Nuff Said.

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