Thursday, February 20, 2020

MOLOKEN - Unveilance of Dark Matter review

MOLOKEN - Unveilance of Dark Matter

The Sign Records

Once a month I'll go try a new/different beer (because I'm a beer drinker and hell raiser) and post my opinion of it on Facebook with a photo. Normally I won't come out and say "This Sucks" with a gag reaction afterwards if I don't care for it. Basically I'll just say it's OK but I'll stick with my favorite beers for now. It's the same with certain types of metal genres and the bands within. To a point I find releases by bands who grow the sludge template to be decent but in the end it's not my thing. Although what some of these acts are doing musically is pretty fuckin cool. 

MOLOKEN are a self described post sludge metal/post-hardcore four piece act from Sweden. As far as the "post" thing goes well as regular readers of this blog (and frankly who isn't) know I have my negative thoughts on the whole "post" genre tag. I can go out to my shed and pull out a post hole digger. Ya know what came before a post hole digger? A shovel but I digress. Can I just say these Swedes like NEUROSIS and leave it at that? Alright I can't. But then again it's far more than that.

Whether it's the interludes in between tracks that invade the melodic introspective idealism only to be crushed by what follows. What MOLOKEN does on this their fourth full length is like a Sunday afternoon ride to nowhere in particular. Either way it's going to be new and exciting. I really like how the disjointed riffs and tremolo picked measures meet up with the melancholy rhythms and thud-riffic bass lines accompanied by dynamic drum work. Caustic HC style vocals are a given to this genre character.

If anything MOLOKEN, who've been around for over a decade now, provide a great excursion from the usual progressive tendencies of other sludge metal acts who lean off template. I ended up liking listening to it late at night after work. It has that passive aggressive nature which at 3 AM you kinda enjoy. You're tired but still wild at least I am. Unveilance of Dark Matter is captivating and if you're into this style of sludge metal then you need to pick this up. It's one of those types of releases which stand out from the pack and will be remembered.

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