Saturday, March 9, 2024

ARTHOUSE FATSO - Sycophantic Seizures: A Double Feature review


ARTHOUSE FATSO - Sycophantic Seizures: A Double Feature

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

First off as far as this release goes I liked the opening soundbite of Orson Welles. Just for the record I am an old movie fan and I consider Citizen Kane from 1941 to be my second favorite movie of all time. The Third Man from 1949 comes up in my fave list as well. But classic movies aside we're talking music and what we have here is a grindcore act from Germany. 

Now honestly when it comes to grindcore from Europe I'd say Germany is the last place you would look. Don't get me wrong I'm sure there's bands in Germany doing grindcore but honestly the competition elsewhere is overwhelming. Be that as it may here we have ARTHOUSE FATSO (maybe a reference to Orson?). This is a one man act. The one man goes by the name The Director who is responsible of the usual aka: everything. 

Musically this is a cross of grind, techno and rantings from maybe the grand child of someone from the Baader-Meinhof Gang. Sure musically it's avant-grind to the fullest. You've got sheet metal riffs for the most part. The vocals are a mix of singular and gang chorus adaptation, both gruff and clean. 

At least they add in some of the Orson Welles fuck ups via commercial stuff in the end which I have on a funny outtakes CD. But anyways after blasting this for a while you'll need a break and a fuckin place to sit down for a while. This seventeen song release is quality because the artist is actually trying to be original. I'll give em that in spades. But is it all in jest or is it serious? Grind heads should decide on their own but hey great band name.


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