Saturday, March 30, 2024

KNOLL - As Spoken review


KNOLL - As Spoken

Self Released

After listening to this I have to wonder about two things. The first is what type of horrors live within the minds of this Tennessee five piece act in order to inspire this kind of extreme music hell. The second one is how come no one has signed this band yet. 

Musically this is grindcore drilled through the lens of a Mario Bava film festival. I'm sure some psychotropic drugs were involved as well. While I was listening to this I kept thinking of Barbara Steele walking into my office wearing a PIG DESTROYER shirt and nothing else. Love it to death and then some never meant so much in that fantasy. But hey I digress. 

Just for the record KNOLL are not newcomers. In fact the band started out in 2017. To their credit they have a few short form releases, a live release (did they really play Roadburn?) and two full lengths prior to this one. And they're not signed to a label of any kind. Whatafuck is up with that? Don't get me wrong I'm not into the be signed or die rule. But there are so many cool underground labels which could expose this band to a wider bunch of fans.

With that area stated I'd say musically there are three notable things about this album. First and foremost are the banshee like shrieks which are the vocals. What torments this guy to come up with that vocal style is beyond what I care to know. Secondly you've got a combination of the claustrophobic and twisted sound structures that are at some points a wall of noise. At other times it's like falling into an abyss of blackened filth with something from the imagination of Lovecraft waiting for you. 

In the end this is avant-grind with real horror behind the veil, at least you hope it is, to invoke some macabre nightmares to say the fuckin least. Hell while I was listening to this a thunder storm was going on. Better yet a lightning strike hit close by and shook the house. So I did the smartest thing. I turned up the volume to drown out the storm.


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