Sunday, April 10, 2022

AGUILLA - Mankind's Odyssey review


AGUILLA - Mankind's Odyssey

Ossuary Records

So when it comes to power metal I never was into the over the top proggy type stuff or the over blown silly shtick antics. For me I'll take any band with influences based in the whole NWOBHM era. Take that traditional metal style, give it some cool melodies and a vocalist who can hit those high notes then you'll have me as a fan.

This debut album by the Polish five piece AGUILLA fits my criteria for decent sounding power metal. Among their ten cuts here the band covers the basics. First off their vocalist is as versatile as he gets. Blash Raven can easily hit the heavy metal scream mark. But when he's singing straight up with a gutsy tone or a more melodic clean style it's like hey he reminds me of some classic singers of the genre.

Musically galloping MAIDEN-esque rhythms, check on that one. Although a few times it's down right borrowing. That's fine for me. The lead guitar work is fluid and beautiful at times. The rhythm section follows through with nothing overwhelming to distract.  

Overall AGUILLA are a cool sounding band that reminds me of some past greats. I'm not gonna name drop. Although the band does have a Science Fiction schtick which they use for inspiration/influences. As long as they don't have a space ship on stage and wear costumes then I'm fine with it.


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