Monday, April 25, 2022

VERMORD - Nostalgic Predictions review


VERMORD - Nostalgic Predictions

Self Released

The sub genre of blackened death metal has over the past couple of decades been twisted into knots. What I mean is that bands from the sub genre can be melodic or crushing. I've heard proggy stuff in recent years along with adventures in tech death territory. All of what I've just described applies to this release. 

This is the debut album by Maryland's VERMORD. What you'll get here is blackened death metal which is without a doubt ferocious, melodic at certain times, full on tech death and there's some actual prog moments. To be honest with ya I've had a disturbing feeling about this release over the past week and a half. 

First off I like the fact that this band can draw from all of those styles and create song structures that meld well together. On the other hand there's some overdone madness which deters from the bludgeoning quality. After a short intro the torment enters in and for a few cuts it's hang onto your soul. But from that point onward the questions start to enfold.

Overall this release reminds me of an extreme metal mulligan stew. Everything goes into the pot. Sure it's edible but other than some stand out chunks the rest is an after thought. VERMORD hit perfection on many cuts like "Nostalgic Predictions", "Blessed by Wolves" and "Odyssey". We're talking great instrument execution with a combo of vocal styles, gruff or harsh in your face. As far as everything else goes well it keeps this engine moving. 


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