Monday, April 25, 2022

BOOTES VOID - C.O.L.D. review



Self Released

For years now I've said that black metal can be educational. Case in point, for years I've thought that the coldest thing in the universe was my ex-wife's stare. But now I've learned I was wrong. This band is named after a region of space that contains very few galaxies. It's also known as the great nothing as in no light and very cold. It is located in the vicinity of the constellation Bootes, hence its name. So with that knowledge I can say my ex-wife comes in second as far as coldness. 

Be that as it may this band hails from Germany, more specifically Wurzburg, Bavaria. Now if you haven't figured it out yet with the teasers: cold and darkness. Yeah this is black metal. The big surprise here is that it's very melodic in style. We're talking late 90's era. The harshest part of this release are the vocals. The guy has a perfect rasp pitch.

Otherwise this debut album by the band is decent sounding in a nostalgia sense. The tremolo picked melodies on these seven cuts are cool. BOOTES VOID are a five piece so the twin guitar attack adds that usual touch of crushing deviance. Most of this is tremolo picked runs with pounding snare drum work. Then again the guitar riffs take you out into another realm. Yeah it's all standard stuff but decent.


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