Friday, April 8, 2022

PURPLE DAWN - Peace & Doom Session Vol. II review


PURPLE DAWN - Peace & Doom Session Vol. II

Electric Valley Records

So when you think about stoner rock / doom from Europe a lay-person would think England or Sweden as it's main purveyors of the heavy and slow. Technically you would be right to think that. But over the years I've found far more interesting acts from the genre in countries like Poland, Italy and now one from Germany. 

PURPLE DAWN are a fairly new three piece act who hail from Germany and are totally into a non cliche style. Sure they love SABBATH but they are so much more into the whole doom meets rock meets jamming side of the genre. This is obviously part of a series for the band. Their debut which is the same title which came out in 2020 but as volume one was recorded live. Now we have this one.

Obviously if your a fan of stoner rock/doom or even modern era sludge metal you'll hear snippets of some other acts while listening to this. To me that's fine because it's the whole package which is more important. PURPLE DAWN re-works that package into a blend. When they're in a sludge mode they'll go full on psych. Or in a stoner groove time they'll move into an atmospheric break which is kind of a trip. 

In the end you get a lot of hard fuckin rock vibes from the 70's plus some more modern takes. The bottom-line is versatility which is why I consider this interesting beyond the cliche take many other bands in the stoner rock framework do. I'm not a snob. I'm just particular about my music especially from a genre that suffers from originality. PURPLE DAWN break on through with a great seven song release.


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