Friday, February 2, 2024

RESIN TOMB - Cerebral Purgatory review


RESIN TOMB - Cerebral Purgatory

Transcending Obscurity Records

While listening to this debut full length by Australia's RESIN TOMB I kept thinking of painful circumstances. The three that came to mind were being drawn and quartered, hung by the wrists while some sadistic fuck takes a blow torch to your feet or being hit by a plumber's truck. 

Now in all honesty I really don't know too much about the first two examples. But I do have a friend who is a plumber (by the way it's good to have friends who do work in low places). One day I was looking into the back of his van and he had a whole mess of junk in there including a kitchen sink. So I can imagine being hit by him in his van at fifty miles per hour. Yeah that's gonna hurt.

Which brings us back to RESIN TOMB who are a five piece band who incorporate that dissonant style of death metal (aka: a lot of quiet atmospheric parts) ferocious sludgey sounds and a bit of grind. In other words everything and the fuckin kitchen sink colliding with ya into one full blown unstoppable force. And that's just the musical portion. 

The vocals on here are a combination of full blown hate and angst plus torture out the wazoo. You need that to compete with the bludgeoning force of the music. I can just imagine when this guy was recording the vocals in the studio. The producer would tase him saying "more angst, more pain, Zap Zap!" And of course it works out damm well because the vocals combine death metal growls with the screams of human bondage. 

You take all of that into account and add song structures that have more twists, suspense and gruesome encounters than a Giallo film. By the way I've heard this band twice before on two Transcending Obscurity Records compilations and here finally is a full length. Be that as it may I don't see Cerebral Purgatory (great album title by the way) resonating well with your run of the mill extreme metal fan. I mean hell it took me three spins to really get it. Then again that could be it's greatness.


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