Friday, January 18, 2019

CAUSTIC VOMIT - Festering Odes to Deformity review

CAUSTIC VOMIT - Festering Odes to Deformity 

Redefining Darkness Records

I believe I've told this story before but it does bare repeating especially in this case. Many years ago I attended an art exhibit with a girl I was with at the time and her friends (if you know what I mean). She was basically trying to show off that she had some culture. I got dragged along with a promise that there was going to be free beer and wine. Anyways while she and her snobbish wannabe sophisticated friends were waxing adjectives in their plight to describe various pieces of abstract art. I was over in a corner drinking a can of beer and looking at a simple painting depicting a farmer out in a field at work. 

Well since I was lagging behind the group they all came up behind me to gaze at what I was transfixed upon. And of course they were coming up with all these various scenarios on what the painting was trying to say. Finally I just turned around and told them it's "harvesting potatoes". I then pointed out everything in the painting that showed exactly what the farmer was doing much to their bewilderment. The bottom line here is that you really don't have to pour on a lot of excess in order to show or explain something is good. Simplicity does work wonders.

Case in point, here we have the three song demo by the band CAUSTIC VOMIT. This new four piece act hails from Russia but if you listen to their three cuts on here you'd think death doom circa 1991 from the US or I don't know, Finland? You could probably fool someone into believing this was actually some long lost recording, even comes as a cassette, until they looked it up. The three cuts on here are long grimy filth ridden pure death doom. Name dropping predecessors is unnecessary, you understand. Secondly simplicity doesn't mean boring. These songs display a genuine dynamic in style and composition beyond the mere meanderings of youth or copying of the past. There's a sense of dread which runs out of each cut. Crushing riffs slither along, psychotic solos slice off chunks, an unintelligible voice bellows as the percussion continues a torturous pace of slow/fast pounding. Next up let's see what you can do with a full length.

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