Sunday, January 6, 2019

VESSEL OF INIQUITY - Void of Infinite Horror review

VESSEL OF INIQUITY - Void of Infinite Horror

Xenoglossy Productions /  Sentient Ruin Laboratories

I just like to say thank you S.P. White, the one man behind this English blackened noise act, for the opening drum solo attack / demonstration on this release's opening track "Invocation of the Heart Girt With a Serpent". Thankfully I wasn't drinking at that time. Unfortunately as my night of drinking progressed as well as listening to this release, your music left me in a state nausea and it would be to anyone enhanced with alcohol within their system after listening to this.

Be that as it may I repeat VESSEL OF INIQUITY is a blackened noise one man act from England. Musically listening to this is like a fuckin hangover recorded not for your pleasure but for your utmost regret. Grab a pillow and hold it over your head. Yes this is punishing noise, repetitive stuff which involves bile regurgitating from within. Yes we're talking about sick fuckin shit here people. And this guy is English so what is up with that? 

By the way as I'm writing this it's 10 AM, I'm having a nice breakfast of juice and scrambled eggs, French style, and am far from being hungover. Be that as it may I won't be puking my guts out but for you light fuckers who indulge with this release bring a pall. This is a great invocation of madness.

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