Monday, January 28, 2019

TELUMEHTAR - The Well review


Hidden Marly Production

What always SUCKS in January is when I get stuff in for review but the bands or promo people don't have anything for me to link to. But hey I did find the video above. If you think I'm pissed off then you should listen to this album which at this time of night is fuel to my anger. TELUMEHTAR, who hail from France, are a pissed off sounding black metal act. One of their songs, "The Grey Wolf" reminds me of myself or Clint Eastwood's character in the movie Gran Torino. Yeah I'm old, mean and I'm armed. Oh yeah I'm pissed! 

But lets move onward. So The Well is the second release by this French one man BM act who started out in 2007. TELUMEHTAR is basically multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Lord Telumehtar. After checking out his prior release, 2009's Black full length, I'm glued to the fact that this guy is still pissed off but yet has better production these days. Tremolo picked madness aside, oh bullshit this is intense hate times ten. Something or someone pissed off this guy to go over the edge or creative spell to give us all an angry and yet atmospheric, mid-way through this release, piece of emotional breakdown.

The more I listen to this the more I envision a man on fire crawling and screaming but with a message. Fuck it I don't know French but musically the full long hate, the atrocious atmosphere being produced and the raw projection instituted shows that this is a piece of work which will knock you over to another park.

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