Sunday, January 27, 2019

UNENDLICH - Thanatophobia review

UNENDLICH - Thanatophobia

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

Actually it was just a few weeks ago in December when I did a write up for this band's EP, Misanthropic Sedition. I liked their music and distinctly remember writing that I was looking forward to a new full length by them in 2019. Well all I can say is that was quick. By the way UNENDLICH is a two piece act out from Baltimore, Maryland. The band consists of multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Michael Connors and drummer Anthony Rouse.

Musically, this is pretty much where their last release left off.  UNENDLICH have a kinship with one part of their sound Swedish melodic blackened death meets Norway's symphonic black metal pedigree. Along with that they toss in plenty of atmospherics, acoustic elements, varied styles of vocalizations and strangely some doom laden melodies as well as full on thrash. 

Ya know I have to say Jon Nodtveidt's legacy is alive and well played in Baltimore, Maryland. By no means are UNENDLICH a DISSECTION copycat band. We already have plenty of those out there. Basically what this duo has done is take a legacy of influence and make it their own in 2019. Very few bands circulating amongst blackened circles are capable of pulling this dynamic off. If there is one downfall to this release it's that there's not enough depth to the production. It's not explosive enough but other than that it's a fantastic release.

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