Friday, January 18, 2019

ZOHAMAH - Spreading My Ashes review

ZOHAMAH - Spreading My Ashes 

Redefining Darkness Records

Normally I don't get many releases from Israel but like I always tell people. Doing SFM666 is a never ending education in metal and bands from around the world. With that truth said, this is the debut full length by the band ZOHAMAH. From what I gather this act started out as a one man project. That one man multi-instrumentalist is H.M. otherwise known as Hezi Menashe. Although I'm told that Hezi has since gathered together a full band to "spread their dark message to the world". Good luck with that endeavor.

By the way that dark message involves doom metal. More to the point the sound on Spreading My Ashes is blackened doom. We're talking about dark contemplative melodies with an emphasis on the slow heavy cycle of riffs with some blast beat runs. The vocals are harsh yet gruff style screams which are set back behind the thunderous sound. In a way it's close to the depressive vibe one would get when listening to certain styles of black metal. 

Hezi also gives space to allow some acoustic guitar as well as organic sounds to filter in-between the clamor of heaviness. Some death doom influences also seep in on a few cuts. The times I was playing this did not factor well in to grasping the whole atmosphere being projected. Mid afternoon on a sunny yet chilly day probably wasn't perfect. This is more late night type of stuff to later produce nightmares.

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