Friday, January 11, 2019

VESICATION - A Decade of Damage review

VESICATION - A Decade of Damage

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

What we have here is a compilation by Canadian filth mongers who worship at the altar of IMPETIGO as well as a few other less then glorious brutal death metal acts. VESICATION started out in 2008 but really hasn't produced much over that time. They've put out a couple of EPs and a full length since 2012. So this is an eight song compilation which is more a sampler than a best of package. 

First off I'm kinda surprised that their cover version of (one of my all time favorite Canadian hardcore bands) the DAYGLO ABORTIONS' "Proud to be Canadian" is not on here. Be that as it may there is a WADGE cover which is not a big surprise since they're a fairly known Canadian grindcore act. I have that deju vu feeling right now. A band puts out a compilation of old material. So maybe they're gearing up for a new full length. I've seen it before. But anyways for a welcome mat into VESICATION as well as a avenue into the more brutal side of Canadian death metal then this is a good place to start.

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