Sunday, January 13, 2019



Satanath Records

Part Two of Three

The Russian label Satanath Records has recently re-released the whole BURZUM catalog which is for sale in Russia but is licensed from Byelobog Productions. This is a perfect opportunity for yours truly to go through and write a few things about BURZUM. I have written about some releases, aka: the first ones when Varg Vikernes was released from prison. I make no apologies about it. I am and will always be a fan of BURZUM. But I am objective to a point. You see I always strive to the importance that it's always about the music.

Now for you ignorant ones, BURZUM was the one man Norwegian black metal project started in 1991 by Varg Vikernes. He is still one of the most influential musicians in black metal's history, especially for one man black metal acts across the globe. On the other side of the coin Vikernes was convicted for the murder of Oystein Aarseth aka: Euronymous of MAYHEM. He was also convicted of arson and served fourteen years in prison.

Now for you truly ignorant ones, if you hate Vikernes for his crimes then fine, move on. If you have some sort of grudge against him then let me remind you. Unless you are over forty-five, Norwegian and a friend or family member of the Aarseths then you just need to shut the fuck up. I am a huge MAYHEM fan as well and you know what? I just live my own life and enjoy the music.

So as far as my looking at all of these releases well it'll be short, sweet, informative, opinionated as well as fun. Besides it's January, it's cold and windy outside right now and we're expecting freezing rain or even snow in the coming days. So what else is there to do then listen to BURZUM's whole catalog, let's get into it.

BURZUM - Hlioskjalf

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only thing good about this release is it's cover artwork. Hlioskjalf was Varg's second recording from prison. The only reason I own a copy of this (as well as it's predecessor Dauoi Baldrs) is because years ago I found both for sale in a music store's used metal section. I had known at the time what to expect but still it was BURZUM so I laid down the cash. By the way they were both over priced to say the least. 

Anyway getting back to the matter at hand, Hlioskjalf was Varg's full blown attempt at producing a neo-classical / ambient piece of work. There was no black metal influences involved here. On the contrary this was New Age music Varg. Now with that said I'll give Hlioskjalf some respect. The man finally was allowed a decent keyboard in order to compose this work. I always found it worthy to fall asleep to. That's not a swipe since peaceful, tranquil sounds are easy to allow relaxation.

BURZUM - Dauoi Baldrs

Years later I still cannot fully get into this, Varg's first work from prison and performed solely on a poor keyboard of some sort. But I've come to respect it because it is a very haunting atmospheric folk saga being played out. Aside from the music the packaging is fantastic with artwork by Tanya Stene along with the words to help get you to an understanding of what Varg was conveying. For all the people who slag this release you need to understand something. You're a musician, an incarcerated artist wanting to create and you have limited resources. Varg made due and that's all you can say about this piece of work.

BURZUM - Filosofem

For years now I've seen writers in the metal media calling this release from 1996 to be Varg's best. I never agreed with that assessment for my own reasons. Yes it is a great album but lets be honest. The first three tracks are great, OK they're fantastic. The latter three can be boring but hey if you liked em then you had better not complain about Varg's prison bound material. 

Filosofem is the BURZUM album that launched the careers of a dozen atmospheric or depressive black metal imitators and influenced a hundred more artists. Funny thing is that when Varg finally got out of prison those imitators quickly stopped stealing from the guy. It was like "Oh look Varg's back. I think I'll play country music now." For all of you newcomers I'll say this. Filosofem is a great album but it's not the first album by BURZUM's pre-prison era which you should check out. In fact it's the last album.

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