Sunday, January 27, 2019

WOLF COUNSEL - Destination Void review

WOLF COUNSEL - Destination Void

Endless Winter

(above is an older video since there's nothing to represent their new material out at this time)

There use to be a band from my neck of the woods called HOUR OF 13. They were flat out classic sounding doom with clean vocals. So as the saying goes nothing good ever lasts, the two musicians involved parted ways and HOUR OF 13 were no more. I've got all of their CDs but ya know you wish for something new to pop up which is similar and can get your fandom excited again.

So I am excited to hear WOLF COUNSEL who fill a void. The band hails from Switzerland where I keep my money. They started out in 2014 and since then have been busy fuckers. This is their fourth full length which means I really need to go back and check out all their previous stuff. You really don't hear classic doom like this any more. Mainly you get plenty of death doom and stuff from hipsters in New York City (New York City?)

WOLF COUNSEL bring about memories of bands like GATES OF SLUMBER, GRAND MAGUS and the a fore mentioned HOUR OF 13. We're talking that whole low and slow style with a course run steadily while a few cool leads cut through the gloom. The vocals, which I mentioned earlier are cleanly sung, are an integral part of the overall effect this style of doom puts forth. All in all this release by WOLF COUNSEL has made 2019 a  great fuckin year for me.

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