Sunday, January 27, 2019

VEILBURNER - A Sire To The Ghouls Of Lunacy review

VEILBURNER - A Sire To The Ghouls Of Lunacy  

Transcending Obscurity Records

If you're a regular reader of SFM666 (and frankly who isn't) you'll know that whenever I see words like progressive or experimental in a promo I kinda shy away from em. It's not that I'm a complete extreme music genre traditionalist aka: a stick in the mud. Well OK I am to a point. Mainly it's because I've had my share of post-extreme metal genre stalwarts of the past completely disappoint me with their shape shifting ways. No name dropping is needed but you can guess as far as black or death metal goes who I'm speaking of.

So when this came in with the genre tag of experimental blackened death metal I held my breath and pushed play expecting the worst. I mean seriously the only reason I gave this a chance was because it came from Transcending Obscurity Records who in the past have never dissapointed me at all. But...... So anyways I was glad that giving this a chance was worthwhile. When one thinks of blackened death you pretty much have a two sided idea of what to expect. VEILBURNER introduces a third option.

Musically, on this the band's fourth full length, expect to be hit with a soundscape of alienation, darkness and harsh desolation. Add to that a wanting to be recognized amidst a harsh environment which overcomes your identity. If that's too much for ya then how bout some prog-death metal aesthetics with touches of avant garde Euro black metal ala TAAKE. You can add to that a minimal dose of 70's prog action which is slightly less than what ENSLAVED has succumbed to. Hell I can easily say this is not far off from some stuff ABSU has done mixed with touches of FUNERAL MIST.

Like I mentioned earlier this is the fourth full length by VEILBURNER who hail from a state I once called home, Pennsylvania. The band, which started out in 2014, is a duo consisting of multi-instrumentalist Mephisto Deleterio and a vocalist with a wide variety of invocations named Chrisom Infernium. At first I thought A Sire to the Ghouls of Lunacy might be a concept album and it could well be with it's fluid sense of painfully executed songs reminding me of the levels of hell. In the end it's absolute perfection. It's not an album but a listening experience.

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