Sunday, July 21, 2019

AXIS OF DESPAIR - And The Machine Rolls On 7" EP review

AXIS OF DESPAIR - And The Machine Rolls On 7" EP

Selfmadegod Records

Ah yes the love of seven inch vinyl. There was a time in my past when I probably had just as many 7"ers as 12" LPs. Yes we're talking in the hundreds. Of course most of those 7"ers were from punk and hardcore bands but some were metal related and of those there was a bunch of grindcore stuff. Then a friend told me how much money he was getting by selling his stuff on E-Bay. So I needed the money at the time and most likely there's some guy in Europe with my collection of late 80's/early 90's grindcore 7"ers. 

With that in mind it's good to see some bands and labels still using the short format. For example AXIS OF DESPAIR put out a great full length in 2018 titled Contempt for Man. Yes you should get it. But anyways they had some songs left over so they put those six cuts on here for us fans. For those of you who don't know, maybe a few, AXIS OF DESPAIR are a cool as fuck grindcore outfit from Sweden. Three of their four band members were once in the death metal act COLDWORKER. Trust me they made the right choice. 

Now I've said it many times before but it bares repeating. When it comes to grindcore I like the old face ripping style that's more metal than the early hardcore beginnings. And I also like when NAPALM DEATH  and TERRORIZER made death metal an ingredient to enhance the intensity. That's what AXIS OF DESPAIR does well. They're punishing and yet install some cool slam pit groove to some songs. Others are out right exercises in painful torture and all done within eight minutes. Ya gotta love it.

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