Sunday, July 21, 2019

BEWITCHER - Under the Witching Cross review

BEWITCHER - Under the Witching Cross

Shadow Kingdom Records

The more I listen to this the more it reminds me of the MURDERDOLLS doing a first wave black metal album. Opener "Savage Lands of Satan" will give you that impression. Now that's not a bad thing. Actually it's kinda cool to hear some blackened speed metal with a touch of rock n roll. I take that back, how bout a lot of rock. This three piece from Portland, Oregon know their VENOM, BATHORY and classic NWOBHM. Whethor it's their use of bluesy leads or the over the top power riffs (check out "Heathen Woman"). They've got their finger on the button. Under the Witching Cross is BEWITCHER's second full length since starting out in 2013. Their songs carry that whole tongue in cheek nod to the satanic side. Say you love Satan and hand me a PBR.

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