Sunday, July 21, 2019

SKULLSMASHER - Rocket Hammer Brian Surgery review

SKULLSMASHER - Rocket Hammer Brian Surgery 

Selfmadegod Records

I had this playing, actually blasting, outside while I was working on my garden one Saturday morning. What, you don't listen to extreme music while gardening? Anyway the neighbor's granny was on their back deck watering her plants then I heard their back door slam shut. A week later they went on vacation at least that's what I'm guessing. Then again they could be over in the house dead and rotting because of the power of SKULLSMASHER blaring from my speakers. 

As I always say when it comes to grind core or death grind, I'm always gonna be a fan of the old ways. The music has to be totally destructive and threatening. So here have the debut full length by this California act. Basically it's Andrew Lee of RIPPED TO SHREDS and a drum machine. What's cool here is that Andrew creates short songs with skin shredding riffs. His vocals are either burning cauldron of hell low and gruff or higher pitched wails of pain. Oh yeah the drum machine has been programmed well.

Rocket Hammer Brian Surgery is sixteen tracks in around fifteen minutes. It's sound and style, which is amazing, leans towards the classics of the past but not that good. Sure Andrew Lee probably loves early NAPALM DEATH and REPULSION but then again who the fuck does'n't? Oh you? Then why are you here? I love listening to this release and so glad it pissed off my neighbors. 

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