Sunday, July 14, 2019

VELDES - Flameless review

VELDES - Flameless

Self Released

VELDES is a one man Slovenian black metal act which I got into some years ago by accident. I thought it was another band but anyways I liked the sound kinship it had with Ukraine's DRUDKH. The one man multi-instrumentalist is Tilen Simon who's musical influences come from the lands around him. VELDES is an old word to describe the low lands beneath the mountain regions of his homeland. We're talking about low lying forests and lakes, peaceful places to contemplate cool atmospheric black metal. 

Which is the whole shebang here as far as the music goes. With the exception of a keyboard led intro instrumental, this is full on melancholy black metal which draws upon the dream state but with some savagery harsh vocals by Simon. To me it's majesty meets sorrow which the song structure sequences suggest. I kinda feel the same way as I watch the fuckin city workers tear down some wooded areas near my home to expand a school grounds. Repetitive riffs which break into tremolo picked agonizing hell accompanied by even more agonized screamed vocals. 

I feel a touch of doom, which is really a bucket of misery, should come with this release. Like previous stuff I feel if I'm smiling then a flagellation is required. Rhythm patterns from past releases repeat themselves with added keyboard melodies/interludes as if this is a religious ceremony. I've heard it all before yet it's beautifully done and I won't knock it much. But the whole I feel cool then I'm miserable theme wear's on you.

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