Friday, July 26, 2019

HATE THEM ALL - Goat Tormentor EP review

HATE THEM ALL - Goat Tormentor  EP

Old Temple

Hey how could I not like a band called HATE THEM ALL? OK yeah I have written about their full length, Defender of the Black Throne, from 2018. If that one was raw, old school and satanic black metal then this one goes even lower. We're talking about a slab of rotten meat here. Fast songs with sick filth vocals and not much else. No wonder they won't reveal their identities to the public. All we know is that they're from Poland.

Of course they don't mind exposing the names of their guest vocalists. One of em is  Hellscreamaross from the band WITCHFUCK who I believe I'm familiar with. How could I not? The second guest singer is someone who goes by the name Beer Drinker. I would not be surprised in the least if this recording came about under the influence of some alcoholic beverages. Hell I'm drinking right now. 

Be that as it may what we have here is no thrills black fuckin metal which could be a rehearsal but who knows? Sound wise its a rough recording but then again isn't always that way for certain bands and makes releases like this all the more wanting. Got some hate in your gut? Here you go.

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