Sunday, July 21, 2019

ENCOFFINATION - We Proclaim Your Death O' Lord review

ENCOFFINATION - We Proclaim Your Death O' Lord

Selfmadegod Records

I want you to think about death, your death for a second. Think about it and do it, you are dead. Boom! You're probably breathing harder and trying to remember that utter darkness that you felt. Fucked up isn't it? Now think about people you knew who died and you saw them in a coffin at their funeral. I'm old so I get to see plenty of it whether it's family or friends. Think about that for a second. You're dead and in a coffin being buried in crappy dirt. Where I live we've got smelly red clay. So yeah life doesn't suck so bad. 

Aside from that I know this sinister death doom band well. I got their 2010 debut, Ritual Ascension Beyond Flesh. After that I kinda missed out on all of their other burial treats to say the least. Maybe that's because this duo of Elektrokutioner (aka: Wayne Sarantopoulos) who performs drums on here and was once in a number of other bands I like aka: BEYOND HELL, FATHER BEFOULED, WOODEN STAKE and TOMBSTONES to say the least, had something else to do other than play the drums here.

Natch that one on other member Ghoat (aka: Justin Blake Stubbs) who handles the guitars, bass and vocals. That latter area is questionable since what emanates from his mouth could never be described as vocals. Imagine what sounds you would hear emanating from the bowels of the dark lord of chaos after a long night of partying he decided to scarf down two or three of those cheap convenience store burritos? Come on who hasn't had The Bomb Burrito late at night only to pay for it in the morning. 

If I haven't given away the store yet, yes ENCOFFINATION are an extreme death doom act. We Proclaim Your Death O' Lord is this duo's fourth full length over their decade long career. They've got plenty of short form releases out as well and a compilation Necros Obscuritas which came out in 2017 also on Selfmadegod Records. There's a free plug. But hey what about the music you ask? OK it's ghoulish, yes a descriptive term I rarely use, as far as death doom goes. Sound wise this has an ominous, ghastly vibe. An atmosphere which creeps along throughout these seven cuts. Put on your ashen-ed face and join the wake.

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