Wednesday, January 11, 2017

KILLING ADDICTION - Shores of Oblivion review

KILLING ADDICTION -  Shores of Oblivion

Xtreem Music 

Ok I'm going to get mean now. KILLING ADDICTION, according to the promo material, were a legendary Florida death metal band. Correction, they were a third tier act that climbed onto the whole death metal wave in 1990 but couldn't make the cut unlike their peers. Their EP from 1991, Necrosphere, is worth a listen but once they put out their full length, Omega Factor in 1993, the whole chunky death metal thing was dead for them. They eventually broke up but got back together in 2006 to a fanfare of none, except for maybe their local circle of friends. 

Look I could go on with their history but I'll stick to this newest EP. It's decent old school death metal weighing heavily on the GRAVE side on OSDM sounds as opposed to their Florida peers. Production wise this sounds like an old demo which could be predictable. Yeah it's heavy handed sounding but no memorable moments to carry it over into the realm of iconic blasting yer head off. Sure play it loud as fuck. Even mediocre acts sound well that way. Save the "legendary" shtick when you're trying to pawn it off to some unsuspecting shlep on Ebay.

Rating: 1/5

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