Wednesday, January 4, 2017

THE VOMITING DINOSAURS - Exoplanets review


Grimoire Records

Ok so when I first saw the promo email for this release I didn't know what to think. I mean with their band name and release title it could've been anything and maybe something I'd pass on. Yes I am doing that this time around. Anyways when I opened everything up, listened to the music then yeah this is cool. I know I've seen their label's name somewhere before and in a good place. 

From what I gather THE VOMITING DINOSAURS, from Richmond, VA, are a metal/punk trio, with flourishes of death grind, that came out right around the time I put the blog on semi-retirement. They released their debut full length, Eat the Homeless, in 2011. I would've killed to review that one. Since then the band has put out a handful of small format releases and another full length, Worship the Porcelain God, in 2015 also on Grimoire Records. 

This new one is an EP around fifteen minutes in length. The reason for that is even though there are nine songs listed, a few are quick instro soundbites/filler. What songs there are on here tend to be quick punk metal rippers with titles like "Circumbinary" and "Ice Giant" which has some grind to it. The song "Lava Planet" is actually a long cut that's pure death grind, very cool and better than the song of a video of their's I checked out. Come on, zombies, please?

If this release had more songs similar to the style displayed on "Lava Planet" then I'd think it was cool as fuck. Unfortunately that's not the case here. Maybe next time, actually I'm hoping for it. Maybe I'll get to see these guys play locally sometime, if they haven't already. I work most nights.

Rating: 3/5

This is an older video but you get the idea.

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