Wednesday, January 4, 2017

XPUS - Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth review

XPUS - Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth

Metal Scrap Records

If this Italian trio was aiming for a blackened death metal sound similar to some of South America's most notorious satanic hate groups well they nailed it. Since I'm a fan of many diabolical sounding bands from down there this isn't so impressive. It's been done many times before and not only from South America but also in Finland with BEHERIT and Canada with BLASPHEMY. Now that's not to say I don't like it or it's sub-par. On the contrary this is one helluva, pun intended, release.

XPUS must have signed a deal with satan in order to create this bestial full length. Yeah it has all the marks of their forebearers, or the beast. The production is slightly a step up from raw. The guitar sound comes off sounding like some manical power tool. Vocals are cavernous in nature which is mandatory for this style. It's the sound of the beast. The songs are more in the thrash vein than slow death. And of course the song topics; "Die as a Sinner", "The Great Worm of the Third Circle", along with "Desecration of the Image of God" leave no doubt that these guys do not moonlight as Sunday school teachers.

Rating: 5/5

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