Tuesday, January 3, 2017

QUINTESSENZ - To the Gallows review

QUINTESSENZ - To the Gallows

Label - Evil Spell Records

Every once in a while something gets sent in for review that at first listen I'll think is crap. After a second play I'll think it's insane but by the third time I'll be like "Waitaminute, this is fuckin genius!" That's my assessment of QUINTESSENZ,  one-man-project by a German guy named Genözider. This guy has harnessed the influences of King Diamond, Quorthon and a little Tom G. Warrior (it's the grunts on "The Claws Of Nosferatu" as well as some of the riffs.) 

QUINTESSENZ is by no means carbon copying the past. On the contrary, he's kinda upgrading it. The songs on To the Gallows are completely first wave black metal/traditional metal influenced. The Quorthon influence is definitely from his latter works and the same goes for the King Diamond. Although the 10 cuts on here are good they do follow a formula of simple yet strong riffs, over the top vocals, some speed but mostly basic drum work. Still for a one man project there's nothing lacking. Songs like "Endless Night", "Seth" and "Sounding The Funeral Bell" are truly epic in sound and structure. It's a damm good release.

Rating: 5/5



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dead link