Wednesday, January 11, 2017

SVETLANAS - Naked Horse Rider review

SVETLANAS - Naked Horse Rider

Altercation Records

review by Andy
I first became aware of this band. When they did a split 7in with Hellstomper. Unfortunately I never got My hands on one of those. So I never actually heard them. Then last summer I was contacted about getting them a gig in Raleigh.  So I checked out their videos on Youtube. Yeah !  So anyway they did wind up playing Raleigh and yeah they did kick a lot of ass that night. 

This CD like their live show. Is hard fast violent & fun. Angry hard hitting super tight punk rock !  Fans of Dwarves really need to hear this. Its even produced by Blag from the Dwarves.  Fronted by Olga a powerful russian vocalist. That was told By Her own country to not come back. Why defect? Just form a punk band and be invited to leave LOL.  At this point the rest of the band is Italian and based in Italy. But they tour constantly. So go see them and buy their stuff.  Gotta give this one 5 stars!  Perfect punk album.

Andy's rating: 5 stars

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