Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Soundgarden - BadMotorFinger re-issue review

Soundgarden - BadMotorFinger  re-issue

A&M Records

 Grunge like hair metal is mostly remembers as a goofy time period in rock. With a few classic songs and bands that came out of it. Let Me say this. Seems like a lot of the metal people I know. Mostly believe Alice In Chains was the best grunge band. You would not only be wrong. You are a dumbfuck with no taste. Alice In Chains sucked. So did STP, Pearl Jam and most of the others. The best stuff was always Nirvana, Tad, Mudhoney & early Soundgarden.  

Which brings us to this album. The first major label Soundgarden album. And the last decent album they ever did. This was a classic album. after that it was all downhill quick. But Yeah. I always loved this one. Loved it enough to buy the CD re-issue. My old cassette died years ago. Songs like Rusty Cage, Jesus Christ Pose, Outshined, Slaves And Bulldozers, Room A Thousand Years Wide. Always did make this a great solid loud heavy noisy original album. The re-issue comes with a complete second CD full of demos, B-sides & live stuff from that time period. So Yeah a great album. Their previous stuff like Louder Then Love is also essential grunge too.
Andy's Rating: 4&1/2 stars.


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