Saturday, March 9, 2019

OBLITERATION - Cenotaph Obscure review

OBLITERATION -  Cenotaph Obscure

Indie Recordings /  Dark Descent Records

OK so this came out late last year, in November, on Indie Recordings but Dark Descent Records is releasing it this year in the states. So argue amongst yourselves as to what year it came out. Normally I only give last year's releases a shot to write about in January and February so argue that one too why dontcha. Personally I really wanted to check out this latest full length by OBLITERATION. Ah but first some history for ya.

Let me take you back to the late 2000s during what I call the revival or new wave of old school death metal. Along with all the new bands from Sweden and the US rediscovering the late 1980s DM sound you had OBLITERATION who came from Norway. And as if on cue you had some in the metal media scratching their heads going "Death Metal from Norway? Well that's weird." Alright sure we all know that nation's history with death metal and how the musicians all turned to a blacker alternative. But ya think someone would have pulled out a BLOOD RED THRONE release or two? I mean they've been around for a while.

But anyways I picked up this band's second full length, Nekropsalms, in 2010 actually. And just for the record it is a damm good release as is their debut full length, Perpetual Decay, which came out in 2007 on Fenriz and Noctumo Culto's Tyrant Syndicate label. So fast forward to 2013 when this band released their third full length Black Death Horizon. Now you would figure by now a "new wave of" act would throw the yoke of being a copycat act and show more of themselves into their craft. Well OBLITERATION did that and this was one of my favorite death metal albums that year.

Which brings us, finally, to their latest release Cenotaph Obscure. Six years have past and after blasting this more than a few times I'm fuckin freaked out. While they still adhere to the old school sound they add so much more to make this original. Along with some pounding as well as galloping rhythms there's plenty of twists either doom related or just plain thrash blasts. Sound wise this is rough and has a sense of utter chaos but still has an ebb and flow which moves into passages of aggressive atmospheric takes. Vocals are more of an assault either being screamed, yelled or grunted.

OBLITERATION has created an album which showcases a band influenced by the past and yet has made it their own sound. It's a death metal album that will unsettle you from the norms without giving you a sour taste. It's like a crazed nightmare with an added panic attack. Then again it reminds me of work. Seriously I am like this at work. It's chaos within but somehow controlled and gets the job done.

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