Wednesday, March 27, 2019

PIG'S BLOOD - A Flock Slaughtered review

PIG'S BLOOD - A Flock Slaughtered

Godz Ov War Productions

Here we have the sophomore full length by PIG'S BLOOD who hail from Milwaukee, Wisconsin a place where you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a metal fan. I reviewed their self titled debut full length back in 2017. After listening to this latest one I can say not much has changed overall. Well they're song titles are longer for example "Gates Ripped Open (Scum Choking Out the Meek)", "Violent Spirit of Decadence (Humiliating the False Triumphant)" and my favorite "Possessed by Nightfall (Violently Freeing Oneself from the Bonds of Life)".

For the record PIG'S BLOOD play a brutal brand of American death metal. The band is made up of veterans of their local scene who got together a few years ago to create something with an emphasize on the basics of the genre. On this new one they're still pushing the bludgeoning hatred to a level which should make any genre fan take notice. Musically it's a balance of mid-paced pounding plus some faster riff horrors. There's a duel vocal thing going on. One growled while the other is harsh screamed.

Once in a while there's a solo that lights up the chaos of dungeon torture. But in the end it's the whole package of pounding drums and diabolical guitar riffs which sends this into an unholy atmosphere. PIG'S BLOOD have definitely set fire to the revival section of USDM by bringing something which sounds fresh and yet contains more past gusto then the old school elite can muster these days.

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