Saturday, March 2, 2019

ROTTING CHRIST - The Heretics review


Season of Mist

I'm one of those hold outs waiting for ROTTING CHRIST to put out an actual black metal album, again. I know, fuck me running, right? Hey look I give em props as far as their history goes. Their first three albums from the 90's are essential black metal. They put Greece on the blackened map as far as the genre goes. But then their A Dead Poem full length came out in 1997 and they moved onto a more gothic, or if you will, a more epic metal sound as their career moved forward.

Now with that said I have a few of their epic era albums. They have some decent moments as far as that style of metal goes. So listening to this new one is not much of a shock. It's more of what we've all heard from this band over the past decade or longer. The Heretics is essentially a concept album with plenty of spoken word quotations from famous figures in history interspersed within the music. Once again the band's sound on here is epic and grandiose. It's an album which must be looked upon as a whole piece than a collection of songs. 

Since this is their thirteenth full length and more than a few years in the making it seems fit that the band would go all out to make a profound statement. For those of you not up on your literary knowledge then this will be an education or an exercise in boredom. Frankly if you are into metal, in my not so humble opinion, you should be well versed into the historical subject matter of freedom to speak out and challenged those who wish to control your mind. That's the concept of Heritics in a nutshell put to some melodic industrial style trudging riffs, choir style vocals along with Sakis Tolis' caustic lead vocals. 

The Heretics is another example of metal music being an element to educate. I'll give the band that gold star. On the other hand musically this is a boring effort overall. There are very few highlights to reference other than a clean guitar solo the sears on one track or the inclusion of folk elements and the cover artwork that looks like something GRAND BELIAL'S KEY should have used years ago. Like most of their releases which have come out over the past decade. I won't be returning to this.

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