Sunday, March 31, 2019

OVERKILL - The Wings of War review

OVERKILL - The Wings of War

Nuclear Blast

Just to be honest, I look at OVERKILL the same way I looked at MOTORHEAD. Basically you've got a long standing band who carved out their own niche in music history early on and stuck with it. Now sure mid-way through their career OVERKILL did deviate slightly into groove / metalcore. But they came back to what made them great in the first place. Now they're glued to a formula which makes them happy. And even over all the years you the fan still get excited by a new release and sure they sound good. But in all honesty you still go back to their early releases because they're the best.

For me the last time I got excited about a new OVERKILL release was in 2010 with their Ironbound full length. Obviously the band really liked that release as well because they've put out three more that sound just like it and here's the fourth. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not being mean but just being obvious. The Wings of War is a good release because it reminds you of the past handful of releases. Blitz and company deliver with some solid chunky thrash with powerful and speedy cuts. They also balance those out with a few slower groove tunes.

Opener "Last Man Standing" is definitely going to be a crowd pleaser when played live. So is the follow-up "Believe In The Fight" which is a sing a long affair that breaks into a slam pit groove. Other fave cuts on here I liked is the home state hails of "Welcome to the Garden State" (by the way I am from Jersey), "Batshitcrazy" just because it's a great fuckin song title, plus "Where Few Dare to Walk" and "Out on the Road-Kill" because they're probably the most powerful songs on here.

So yeah The Wings of War is another great release by New Jersey's best metal band. But then of course it is because (WARNING BIAS OPINION AHEAD) OVERKILL is the Greatest Thrash band from the East Coast. They blew away their contemporaries from across the Hudson River back in the day. Presently OVERKILL are still, STILL putting out great fuckin thrash and those other guys are on That Metal Show or appearing in VH1 metal memories documentaries. I'll still take this over that other shit any day.

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