Sunday, March 24, 2019

RAW DOG - The Schizophrenic Manchild Dove Headfirst into Oblivion review

RAW DOG - The Schizophrenic Manchild Dove Headfirst into Oblivion

Self Released

This is one of those "it's not metal but I like it" reviews. In this case it's punk rock. Now my reasons for not writing more about punk music is simple. It's not that extreme anymore. In fact moreover it's just political sloganeering by people too ignorant to understand the many facets of the issues. But once in a while something will come along that peeks my interest because it has that spirit and attitude of punk rock's past "no fuckin rules" style. 

Which brings us to this latest, and from what I've been told, last release by RAW DOG. Basically RAW DOG is a one man act, Manning, who brings in various musicians / friends to help create his tongue in cheek offensiveness towards just about everyone. This is not my first encounter with RAW DOG. I reviewed one of their previous studio full lengths. I gave it a decent review and in turn they dedicated a song to me on their live album which was not very flattering but hey I wouldn't have it any other way.

Musically this falls in with the likes of BOOTLEG BILL, the SPO-ITS. JOE CHRIST and ZOOGZ RIFT. It's a package of equal opportunity offensiveness. Some touching examples of standout insanity come early with opener "The Sintroduction". The singer comes across as if reading his morbid manifesto while a bagpiper plays in the background. "Casio Madness" is just that. Imagine leaving the child's toy in an sanatorium. "No Wave Rider" is a decent anti-surf surf tune. "The Misery Club" is a change of pace with it's coffee house open mic vibe and guest female vocals.

Of course there's plenty of straight punk cuts like "Ode to Bill" with it's simple chorus of I Fuckin Hate You. The RAMONES themed "I Wanna Be Offended" is decent enough. Oh yeah this release is split into two parts. One part studio and the other live which has more of a punk snot vibe of pure hate. I mean with songs like "Fuck You Mother Nature" or "I Don't Wanna Play at Your Stupid Talent Show" how could you go wrong. Play this in front of people at your own risk.

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