Wednesday, November 28, 2018

ANGRRSTH - Znikad EP review


Godz Ov War Productions

So here we have the debut EP by Poland's ANGRRSTH. Now before I get into this one I gotta say something. As far as blackening goes in metal, 2018 has been huge for blackened death metal. I think I've written about forty or more releases by bands pushing the blackened death sub-genre. Last year it was blackened thrash and the year before that it was blackened doom. As far as next year, who knows? We're running out of things to blacken.

Be that as it may ANGRRSTH are interesting to say the least. First off they're Polish and somewhat death metal, so yeah it's brutal in the way only Poles know how to perform it. I'll just invoke the name VADER and you should understand what I mean about Polish DM being brutal. Any long time readers should remember that I consider VADER one of the greatest death metal bands of all time. But these guys aren't VADER.

As far as the blackened part, I don't hear it. OK sure there's some tremolo picked melodies, feedback induced atmosphere and some blast-beats. Yeah but what I do hear more of is somewhat cool constructed songs with a barking off tempo "core" or bad thrash vocalist to high in the mix which insults the musicianship.  

The songs are sung in their native tongue which does give it a heartfelt approach whether through anger or pain or in many cases both. Personally I'd like to hear the vocalist's thrash band, WYROK, just for the hell of it because I just don't think this works for these musicians in this side band. Nuff Said.

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