Sunday, November 18, 2018

SKELETAL REMAINS - Devouring Mortality review

SKELETAL REMAINS - Devouring Mortality

Dark Descent Records

So this originally came out in April but I have it now. Oh well right? Unfortunately I looked at some opinions of this, the California band's third full length, prior to getting it. Obviously some people forget that a decade ago old school death metal made a comeback and was widely accepted by fans. The key word is "fans" because it was small labels who were promoting that old school death metal revival.

Fast forward a decade and now it's just an accepted genre style. If you don't like it then oh well go listen to prog rock. As for me when I listen to Devouring Mortality I'm imagining being at a show with ASPHYX, OBITUARY and DEATH on the bill. Now obviously that ain't gonna happen today but if one band can combine all of that greatness in one package I'll take it.

As I had written earlier this is SKELETAL REMAINS third full length. They started out in California in 2011. Their first full length, Beyond the Flesh, came out in 2012. I didn't get into em until their second album, Condemned to Misery, was released in 2015. So while this release blasts through my speakers I won't deny that these guys from Whittier wear their influences loud and proud on their sleeves or vests. In fact after a few listens I could add to the three I've already listed.

The bottom line here is whether or not it fuckin rules. As far as I'm concerned hell yes it does. You've got these caustic vocals which are a mixture of John Tardy and Martin Van Drunen. By the way they're two of the greatest DM vocalists of all time. Next you can toss in heavy, angry as well as filthy riffs. That's their bread and butter. Finally there's the Chuck Schuldiner style face peeling lead work. That sets the candles afire on this DM cake.

Now if you have a problem with all of that then you either hate death metal. Or you're a pissed off hipster who just blew a few hundred bucks on your credit card for classic death metal reissued vinyl on Ebay when you could've picked this one up for $12 plus postage. Then again you could be some loser who was at a show and saw SKELETAL REMAINS kick fuckin ass while your friend's tech/jazz/death metal act bored the crowd enough that they all went outside for a smoke while you stood there like the loser you are. Alright you're a dedicated loser. But hey this album rules so go fuck yourselves you fuckin jaded haters.

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