Wednesday, November 28, 2018

ROTTEN EVISCERATION - Ancient Grave Ascension review

ROTTEN EVISCERATION - Ancient Grave Ascension

Guts and Blood Records

So weeks ago when I first saw this and was like OK death metal from South America I'll probably get into the release. Then I gave it a listen and I was in my fuckin happy place. It's bands like this as to why I love South American extreme metal. No, better yet, it's bands like this as to why I still get excited to write about extreme metal.

ROTTEN EVISCERATION hail from Peru, Lima to be exact. I have more than a few releases from bands of that area. ANAL VOMIT is one name off the top of my head who I've punished people with over the years. This is ROTTEN EVISCERATION's debut full length even though they've been a punishing act for almost a decade now.

So what this band does will not expand the death metal cannon. Nor will it impress hipster douche-bags at websites who'll have some sort of "come to metal" moment and write some sort of crap about South American metal which they just discovered and how it has changed their miserable lives. The bottom line here is that ROTTEN EVISCERATION are a brutal fuckin death metal act who love CANNIBAL CORPSE.

Seriously once I saw the song titles like "The Master of Vaginal Mutilation", "Baptized in Semen", "The Queen of Anal Penetration" and the one I laughed the most at "Raped and Headless", I knew where I was heading. But here's the really cool thing about this release. It's actually exciting with cool as fuck riff package, leads which would make the boys from Buffalo proud and the vocals are growled to a point where they're reaching out to choke you.

This should be on everyone's list as one of the best death metal albums of 2018. It will be on mine. Sure they'll not breaking new ground but who the hell cares? This is just another new take on old school death metal returning to the forefront of brutality. What makes it cool is that it sounds so fresh. And yeah that does put a sadistic smile on my face.

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