Monday, November 5, 2018

YOB - Our Raw Heart review

YOB -  Our Raw Heart

Relapse Records

Since their inception, with their 2002 debut, YOB were a band for doom enthusiasts. Their first four albums were filled with monolithic riffs, sonically charged psych melodies and out-worldly vocals. And then in 2006 guitarist/vocalist Mike Scheidt broke up the band. He then started a new YOB-lite act which didn't work out due to name rights.

So in 2009 Scheidt revived YOB and released The Great Cessation which to me still was YOB-lite. Although since it came out on Profound Lore Records instead of their previous label Metal Blade the invading hipster elitists in the new lame-stream metal media gave it praise and worship. So since then the only thing older fans could look forward to was the band pulling out a cut from the past during a live set.

As far as the albums they've released since then well 2014's Clearing the Path to Ascend showed promise by returning to the aggressive side of things. It was a huge sludge ridden bone tossed to us older fans while being shock and awe to hipster lemmings. But then the worst happened. A few years ago Scheidt was overcome by a life threatening illness. Thankfully he survived but after listening to Our Raw Heart well YOB is dead.

Obviously Scheidt's recent medical experience is a huge influence here. While listening to the opening cut "Ablaze" I felt miserable and not in a good way. As this release continued onward with the weak clean vocals, sad melodies, an overabundance of recycled riffs and a depressive mood direction I wanted to call an ambulance. Dude you just triumphed over illness. You should be a little happy instead of acting like an overly dramatic sick boy. Plus I was dozing off by the third cut, "In Reverie".

I'm sure some people reading this will be like; "You cold hearted bastard, how could you be so uncaring as to what this man went through." Well first off who said I had a heart. Secondly it's all about the music and if this release is an extension to the what Scheidt went through while sick then that sucks as does this. Frankly Our Raw Heart sounds like it's in need of some post illness therapy sessions.

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