Monday, November 19, 2018

PILLARS - Onward to Nothingness review

PILLARS - Onward to Nothingness

Seeing Red Records

OK it's quiz time, name five well known French Doom bands? Oh yeah you in the back with the beard, glasses and I-Phone looking up answers. You'll be executed later. Fact is no you can't answer that question honestly. I know a lot of cool French metal acts, mostly black metal, so I was at a loss on that quiz. If you are in the same boat as me then here's a band that may give you a advantage in the future if questioned about French Doom.

This is the debut full length by PILLARS, a four piece act from Nice, France. Prior to this they put out an EP, Pyres and Gallows, a few years ago. I almost passed on this in the emails. But when I saw this was French Doom I just got curious as hell because of my total ignorance on their scene. Thankfully I checked it out and although I'm not totally overwhelmed by it. Still after plenty of listens I believe it's worth writing about.

PILLARS have a sound that's a huge part SAINT VITUS, part Southern US sludge and part modern day generic sludge. The vocals are real guy gruff style with a kick into the clean yelling range. It's the static tension sound of the riffs as well as the thundering heartbeat of the bass which will keep you fixated. This release was OK but I'll wait to hear a second release for more appreciation. Still I thought their cut, "Pale Horse Rider" was fuckin cool as fuck.

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