Wednesday, November 28, 2018

APATHEIA - Konstelacja Dziur review

APATHEIA - Konstelacja Dziur

Godz Ov War Productions

OK no shit there I was home from work tired as fuck and I needed to listen to another Godz ov War release sent in for review. So I popped open a beer, pushed play and was awakened. APATHEIA are to cold, fierce and frosty black metal as to me walking out onto my back deck naked while it's in the thirties and raining. A wake up call is putting it mildly.

This is the debut full length by Poland's APATHEIA. A band so cool they don't even have a Facebook page. How evil is that? I'm joking of course. This is another release of which I'll call interesting. First off the black metal dynamic is a mixture of tech intensity, melody and almost an operatic quality. The opening cut, "Odmetnia" is a face ripper. From that point on is where I don't get it.

APATHEIA look like a cross between HATE and 1349 but remind me of DEATHSPELL OMEGA in that their songs, some of them, push the complexity factor. At times it's like snorting meth while in the throes of an attention deficit disorder attack. Sure why be detached when you can create a black metal riff salad which will make BEHEMOTH cowl in disgrace.

It took quite a few listens for me to accept this campaign with it's barrage of riffs, frenzied blast-beats, melodic flurries into atmospheric portions and neck snapping song structure sequences. And that was just the first couple of cuts. It's not until the over ten minute run of "Boze cialo" where APATHEIA's feet finally return to the earth. Call me old fashioned but I like their longer cuts on here as opposed to the short sharp attackers. To me it's easier to enjoy a complex song arrangement as long as you give it time to develop.

Well as I said earlier, this is their debut so one can understand a band wanting to fit in as much as possible on their debut. APATHEIA are decent when they allow their songs room to mature. If they reigned in some of the wildness in their shorter cuts then they'd be better.

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