Thursday, December 13, 2018

DEATH VOMIT - Gutted by Horrors reissue review

DEATH VOMIT - Gutted by Horrors reissue

Hells Headbangers Records

Well even though these Chilean death metal merchants have a new limited edition EP out titled Pyre, I believe it's this reissue to truly be worth talking about. It was just a few years ago, 2014 to be exact, when this release first dropped. Originally put out on CD by the Spanish label Xtreem Music (who I use to get a bunch of stuff to review years ago). This was their debut full length. 

Now musically DEATH VOMIT were not doing anything new on this release. In fact Gutted by Horrors is just another example of a new band worshiping old school DM of the past. But the fact here is that they did it so fuckin well. Imagine a mixture of BLASPHEMY, PORTAL, DISMEMBER and INCANTATION all culled in a cauldron of black bubbling sulfurous liquid. You just might need asbestos gloves to hold this less you'll receive festering blisters.

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