Friday, December 21, 2018

THE CRAWLING - Wolves and the Hideous White review

THE CRAWLING - Wolves and the Hideous White

Grindscene Records

Upon my first listen to this I couldn't help but think what if AMON AMARTH and PARADISE LOST had a child? Yes I am serious because the musical threads just intertwine as far as the band's sound goes. Melodic death metal melded with Euro doom.

This is the sophomore release by Ireland's THE CRAWLING. I never heard their debut, Anatomy of Loss, which came out last year. Maybe that's a good thing you see I check things out that just might interest me. This three piece act is Irish metal so I figured why not. 

As far as the whole death doom thing goes THE CRAWLING has some decent enough moments. They stand upon the Euro doom foundation of heavy ass riffs, guttural vocals and a depressive atmosphere. Toss in some melodic tones, a rainy day sitting in a dark room and a suicide note than you have it all.

To the band's credit they don't waste time spreading their misery. The six cuts on here only span slightly over thirty five minutes. Kinda perfect for that late night jaunt of melancholy ya know after you've finished off the bourbon. Be that as it may I'll hold off and wait to see what this band does next time around. Right now it all sounds like so many other established Euro doom acts. Then again those reminders might peak your interests.

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