Monday, December 10, 2018

WELTSCHMERZ - Illustra Nos review

WELTSCHMERZ - Illustra Nos

Redefining Darkness Records

It's hard to pass on a Dutch black metal act especially one I never heard of until recently. WELTSCHMERZ have been around since 2009 but haven't produced much which make them stand out. I know that does sound crazy since the Dutch BM scene is so small that anyone should stand out. This band's release catalog consists of an EP from 2009, a four band split release from 2011 and their full length debut Odium Humani Generis from 2014. 

On this their second full length WELTSCHMERZ pull out some obvious aspects of black metal's second wave experimentation period and meld it with today's more atmospheric style. Their addition of avant garde expressionism via the use of operatic vocals, cello, acoustic guitar and various brass instruments is reminiscent of certain Norwegian acts of yesteryear. 

In a way there's an almost  symphonic quality to their song structures. They pummel the listener with the grandiose of blackened fury while switching over easily to a more haunting tone. Either way the six cuts on here provide an emotional ride which is not pretentious in order to be progressive.

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